The Quartered Circle or Encircled Cross of the Celtic People.


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12,500 years ago, the human race stepped off the path of Nature, becoming lost in the wilderness of separation and division that has led to the mess we are currently in.

But the Ancestors bequeathed us with a way back to sanity, individually, and collectively. It's called the compass- The Infinite Compass.

Time to come home......!

This amazing book that took me 5 years to write is now available from this website, University Bookshop, and  Sunray Health Foods, in Dunedin.


"Life is a waka on an ocean of time and space. Why some people understand this and the majority of us don’t is the mystery this book tries to solve." The Infinite Compass-A powerful new book Jay (Sparrowhawk) Ray is available now from this website. 

Please feel free to dip into the contents before you buy by clicking below.

