The Nature of Time/Timelessness

I was just thinking about Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’ comment. Another spooky action occurs when two light particles are in relationship. If you take one kilometres away from the other, then make adjustment to one of them, say you spin it, the exact same thing happens to its partner wherever it is, at exactly the same time. Under normal circumstances, you would expect there to be a time lapse. Certainly, if something happens to one of us it would appears to be the case. But with particles, the change occurs in both of them instantly. What’s so spooky about this is that it defies the laws of time and space. This is why Einstein didn’t like it. It takes time for information to travel, even on the internet. We expect it to be instant, and its pretty quick these days, but it still requires a time lapse to get from one place to another.

Interesting though, if we think about it, is that we are all composed of particles. Therefore the same behaviour should be possible for all of us: instant telepathic communication, being in the same place at the same time: all the abilities we call psychic. Particle Physics supports all of them, but most people, other than shaman, are hard put to consciously achieve it. Why?

Well answer to that is that all consciousness is shaped by belief structures. The Nature of Time/Timelessness What we sometimes fail to understand is that they shape all things, not just our individual world. The nature of our reality is based on a huge agreed belief structure called the Time/Space Continuum. While we all have our individual belief structures that shape the way our reality is shaped, as members of this dimension, we have agreed beliefs about the make up of the whole. The fact that you and I can sit and look at a computer screen, seeing the same thing, is as a result of common belief structures to which we all adhere. When you and I both look at the same chair, the truth is that we have no idea what the other sees, but we agree to it being the same. If we didn’t it be chaos to us. Our separation would be total and nobody would be able to exist in the same universe as each other. Our agree beliefs make it possible to exist together as individuals. Even to also conflict with each other. I can say it’s a red chair, but you might insist that it’s orange. Colour blindness does this all the time. We are, of course, both correct.

So, we have a belief in time and space and our existence within it is controlled by that belief. But beyond our agreed reality, this rule does not apply. We can see this occur with people from other cultures. What we understand is not what they necessarily understand. The Amazonian Indians at the time of Columbus could not actually see the Spanish ships because they had no agreed belief to cover that phenomenon. We see a new fruit and we have no idea what it is until someone tells us. And of course, that is what the childhood years from 0-7 do for us: allow us to shape our reality by learning what our parents see, and what they call what they see. As a baby, you had no idea what you were looking at. Eventually, once you had learned the shape of things, you saw it. As I said: “we see what we believe”.

So, if time does not necessarily exist in this form elsewhere, in the world of the particle, time is instant (or non existent). It can do whatever it chooses. We call this ‘Eternal Time’ or the ‘Eternal Now’. It existed before the Big Bang brought time into being for material reality, and still exists outside of our time/space continuum. In this reality all things are possible. Here it is that all beliefs are processed, bringing changes that then occur on all levels. If you like, it is the matrix of which we are all truly a part.

Can we access it? Absolutely, but it requires changing the deep beliefs that say that it’s not possible. Actually, we are accessing this state all the time, unconsciously: our intuition, our inspiration, our ability to know when something is wrong with those close to us, the fact that the dog knows when the phone rings before it does. When we become conscious of this and accept it, we are in the process of ‘Awakening’. When the whole human species awakens to this reality, we will be ready for a new adventure in timelessness and eternity. Maybe that’s what the 2012