
Not the Dunedin Veterinary Clinic by that name.  No, the actual human animals: us. It isn’t hard to see why we have forgotten that that is what we are. In fact, that was done on purpose, in a similar way in which the concept of ‘races’ was introduced that I looked at in my last Newsletter. Bear with me and read on. Convenience to the economic system is what it’s always been about: downgrading everyone else on the planet in order to use them for profit for the white male economic system put in place so long ago. Yes, I know. I have covered all that again and again, so this is not about that, but it is the root cause of what I want to draw to your attention.

In order to make us forget that all these other beings are sentient, we had to be separated from them, along with the actual planet itself, so we could gain profit on that, as the basis of everything else. ENOUGH! they cry. Ok Ok.

Many years ago there was a lovely movie for kids that was called ‘The Never-Ending Story’. I am sure I have probably referenced that before. But one of the important characters was a being called a Luck Dragon which reminded me of a great big flying white retriever. Being half dog myself, I fell in love with him. The main character was a young boy about 12 who found a book that changed as he read it. Before long he found himself in that story landscape, meeting all its characters personally. They had a great adventures together, made a sequel was made, (of course, if you’re on to a good thing, milk it). Anyway, this time, when he opened the book all the pages were blank. He was horrified, but somehow managed to get himself back to the storyland, fast becoming one of disaster. Something was devouring their reality. If it continued doing that there was not going to be a story anymore. They called this devouring thing ‘The Nothing’. Everything it devoured became part of it. Of course our hero, flying on his Luck Dragon, saved the day, and the whole of that world, from destruction. The storytellers had a good angle, because it was, subconsciously or otherwise, based on what has been happening to our own reality.

When we teach people that things are not worth their attention, they stop seeing them. Literally. They cease to exist for those people, even though those forgotten are still physically alive somewhere. Moving our attention from them long enough is enough to blank them out of our awareness. Think what happens when people move overseas. To begin with, we keep the connection live, but sooner or later, due to the fact we can’t see them in our daily lives, we forget. They cease to exist for us the longer they are out of our conscious awareness. So it was for our species when some built a virtual reality called civilization, to demarcate the difference between our new concrete world, and everything outside of it. The outside was called The Wild, was deemed dangerous, even though we had successfully lived there ourselves for longer than we could count. Nevertheless, the more we saw of the manufactured world, the less we saw of the real world, the more it dropped from our mind. It had become The Nothing to us, taking over more and more, as we grew concrete minds to go with the reality of our concrete civilisations, with their way of seeing the world. So it came to pass that there was more and more concrete and less and less real world. The real wild world became known as Nature, being designated outside of ourselves. Actually it’s the other way round. We took ourselves outside, denying we were ever part of it.

Because civilisation was now the only world we could see, it left all the rest free to be exploited for profit, as it didn’t really exist anyway. From the beginning, this was the designed purpose of this consciousness experiment. Nobody cared about what wasn’t real to them, so there was no one on the side of this so-called magical world of Nature. It became a place of myth. The corporations that now ran the Made world ripped up and shot whatever they wanted to use as resources for profit with impunity. As no one knew what was going on, couldn’t see it see it, the Wild world continued to get smaller and smaller, as diverse life expressions become extinct. They ceased to exist before we even realised that they were there in the first place. What happens in our consciousness manifests in the physical world. Another aspect of the magic we are starting to explore. Right now, the Nothing is winning.

There are now many activists that have awakened (they have become ‘woke’) to what’s going on, trying their very best to lift our awareness, but the problem is that we perceive it as all going on in a magical world that doesn’t really exist for us anymore. If we are really going to stop this, we have to realize that it isn’t outside us at all. The only time we are allowed to look at it is through the screen of something produced. We don’t see that these tiny views are presented in such a way that once we switch off, the issue disappears. But while the beings are disappearing rapidly, the problem has been disguised by the screen that is now on something else entirely.

We are animals too. What can happen to the rest of the wild world has, and is, happening to us.  We are daily becoming of no more consequence except as vehicles for the system. When we stop being seen, we also move towards ceasing to exist for the powers that are driving this. Enter technology. Enter AI. Even the designers of our extinction don’t realise that it applies to them as well.  The technological revolution has already replaced humans in so many ways.  The unemployment ques are full of people whose worth has disappeared, in favour of machines that only have to be produced once, never having to be paid wage increases annually in line with the cost-of-living index.  We no longer have to see people either. We can just flick them a txt. So much easier. Do they really still exist?? Or is there a replacement AI that acts as them for the purpose of maintaining the illusion that they/we are important?

What is the solution? Maybe a start might be that we apply for membership of the Animal Realm again, hoping to hell we are accepted back in time to save ourselves. Easier said than done. We think we are so much cleverer than our animal relations. So much cleaner and better behaved. But are we really? If we are going to defeat The Nothing we are going to have to unite, not just with other humans, but with the so-called natural world itself. To rediscover that dirt is not dirty but the stuff that feeds us. To realign with the rhythms of day and night, the seasons, and the healing energy of forests. We need to rediscover what our few remaining cousins have never forgotten. We need them to teach us. There is a story that is followed by the Cult of the cave Bear, from Neolithic times. It is said that the cave Bear was teaching the human race the wisdom that it needed to survive but became extinct before its job was finished. We remain without wisdom. There are a few beings left that could maybe, if they are willing, complete the job. If we hurry.

But how? Its been a long time getting to where we currently are. How on Earth can we change in time. I don’t really know, but the word Earth might give us a clue. First above all else we are beings of Earth. Starting to re-expand our vision always expands our awareness and enlarges our consciousness. It brings a wider view into focus. The reverse of the consciousness shrinking that was done to create the concrete world, to pretend it was real. So the first step seems to be that we start looking outside the prison window. That might be to stop and explore the environment we are moving through, no matter where or what it is. To stop and look. Even that on its own will widen our share of possibilities, will open up us up to what appears in our line of vision. Then the next trick is to not turn away, but to stay awhile. To keep looking. We will find ourselves looking at things and places, and even people, we wouldn’t normally bother with. Can we widen it out even more to look at the creatures that appear in those views, not just the people and things; the birds on the grass, the moth on the window, the dog chasing a ball, or even insects going about their daily life? That might lead to us taking ourself to other places beyond our normal goat track just for the purpose of finding more that we can look at there.

 Now with your expanded experience of the Life around you, something else might start to happen. You might start ‘seeing’, not just looking. Let me explain. Just like the Magic Eye drawings of dots and dashes and shapes, if you wait, doing things with your eyes, miracle of miracles, you start to see the hidden beings beneath the surface. You have just gone deeper, ‘seeing’ the patterns beneath. This potential, to see things differently, exists in us and everything we look at. For instance, we have probably looked out our window many times, maybe looking at our neighbour house and garden, the electrical wires running to our roof, or further out to the asphalt on the street and the cars driving down it. But wait! What we are looking at are the ‘things’ sitting on top of the earth. If we look deeper, we might see the Earth that allows them to exist on her surface. She could shake them of at any time, opening up to cause them to drop within her. The larger concept of a planet that is ancient and deep is that she is providing for everything we need to survive whether we are aware of it or not. Whether we like it or not, there is nothing, grown or ‘made’ that doesn’t start off in the belly of this galactic being.

Now you are truly ‘seeing’. Everything is composed of layers upon layers. We have been encouraged to only see what’s on the surface, laughed at if we suggest there are more, encouraged to look away. But we can choose to stay and watch, taking time to see the layers appear before us in our understanding. Nothing is ever ‘just’ anything. Some of us live with other species. We call them pets, teaching them to do tricks to entertain us. Or ensuring that they are tied to our wishes in order to live amongst us. An essential process, but do we ‘see’ them? Members of these ancient tribes that found pleasure in our company, deciding to stay with us? Or wild beings like us, taught to limit their horizon to the concrete world.

As we start to see deeply, our concept of the world changes. We are aware of the web of connection that we experience when are amongst other wild beings.  We are developing names for these experiences that were never acknowledged before. The energies that wrap themselves around us when we enter a forest, make us feel less stressed, lifting our emotions. We even have a name for it now. It’s called ‘forest bathing’. We are beginning to see those connection to the Wild that we have been encouraged to ignore. We know that the trees connect to their own ‘net’ through the mycelium that flows through their root structure allowing them to talk to each other, send energy to others of their people that are ailing. We know that our animals know when we are coming home from the minute we leave the office because people have seen them sitting in patient waiting.

The expansion is occurring slowly for us. But we can all accelerate it, witnessing the growth of our own souls by opening to our deep vision. Allowing ourselves to see beyond what we are looking at. We can wait, watching, until our eyes change, seeing more. Knowing, when we do, that we are connecting to the rest of the real world, becoming part of it, and changing the options of the concrete one because we will not be blinded to our larger family any longer.

Mitakuye Oyasin “ For All My Relations”- Lakota Nation