Evolution and the Fourth Dimension

I have been thinking so much about this lately that its probably a good idea of I write it down. It has continually come up with students who asking me what the Higher Self is and they find it difficult to unhook from the concept of an external God. It’s understandable really. We have been brought up thinking that way for thousands of years. So when the concept of the 4th dimension began arriving in my head, I began to see a way that it could be used to explain the Higher Self more completely. We are third dimensional beings. We are that on many levels and I have always referred to the dimensions within us as mind (1st dimension, either/or), emotions (2 dimensional), body (3 dimensional) and the spirit, in the form of our HS representing the 4th dimension and our potential. I had not thought about the correlation between this and the spatial dimensions of geometry until a couple of weeks ago. Nor had I seen that they were, indeed, not only compatible, but essentially the same thing. Geometry, like all symbols, indeed, mathematics itself, is only a representative of a truth. Often we become enamored of the symbols and therefore miss the truth inherent with them. Our scientists have done this more and more. So to me, evolution has always been a journey of spirit through a particular landscape of learning. In our current instance, it is the third dimensional reality.

As I was lead to link this all up with geometry, a whole new piece of the jigsaw fell into place for me. I had long used a ball of clay to represent pre-manifested spirit. In other words, The Great Spirit, God, All That Is, whatever you want to call it, before it split itself up into the multiple reality that is us. I have explained that, through the concept of belief structures shaping reality just as a cup shapes the water that is contained within it, the Source was able to recreate itself as a mirror image of itself. It thus created two out of one, and with it the belief/potential to become many…us! All of us, I might add, not just the human species. As I have been witnessing this whole learning unfolding in myself night after night, I have become aware that before the belief implanted itself in All That Is, the potential for the belief had to have already been there. We cannot believe that which we cannot conceive, and the concept of all possibility was/is within the Source all along. Like us, once the possibility arrives in our consciousness, it is followed by the probability, moving on to the belief structure, which holds the energy/spirit out of which the 3D reality emerges. And so it was in the beginning according to my theory of everything. It is clear from this then, that everything is therefore made from the same substance….spirit, although shaped in many different forms. We are all indeed God.

The similarity between this demonstration that I used to do with the clay ball, (showing it whole and then breaking it into similar sized parts and then eventually into lots of bits) and the zero point of geometry was obvious. Once a duplicate is made of the Omega point, the beginning, it can become a line, the first of the spatial dimensions. It then has the dimension of length. The relationship that is possible between the two points is what becomes the line. Relationship is the whole reason for becoming many in the first place: The experience of relationship. To have relationship there must be more than one. As the duplication/splitting off continues, the relationships grow and out of each increased relational possibility, a new dimension grows. Three Omega Points become a triangle, four a square, many a circle. What is created from these relationships now though, is area defined by boundaries. The result of the relationship between three or four lines is the areas that these lines encompass. This then is the second dimension.

Before I go on it is important that I address the issue of time. Many physicists have called time the fourth dimension. This is not so as I see it. Time and space are the same thing. One creates the other. Lets think of it this way. If I am an Omega Point with no depth or length, no time needs to exist for me. Everything that ever was/is, is in me all at the same time. Nothing is separate. However, if I split/duplicate myself, and my twin is now outside me, it will take distance and the time to traverse that divide before we can come together again. The longer the distance, the greater the time needed. And now we have the beginning of speed, which develops as a device to counteract the distance sooner. I will not go into that, as it takes us off at a tangent, which you can travel down on your own at some other time if you wish.

So time and space are the same thing and have been called by Einstein space-time for just that reason. They are dependent/relative to/the same as each other. Which is why we refer to time in spatial terms: a length of time, a block of time etc. So from here on you will know that when I am talking about spatial concepts I am also referring to time in the same breath.

So we have several lines forming relationships and creating new dimensions each time they do. The 3rd dimension is the relationship between several areas created by flat planes created by lines between Omega Points. When this occurs, a triangle becomes a pyramid, a square becomes a cube and a circle becomes a sphere, and a new dimension is born, volume. The third has bulk. We are citizens of the 3rd space-time relational reality. We have bulk.

Now as you can see, the potential for all this was contained in the Source or Omega Point right from the beginning, but the belief could not developed out of the potential, until the previous set of relationships had been developed and formed. Once the foundation of a line was established, an area could be created by linking these lines up, but not before. The potential for the next stage was there but the manifestation could not happen until each previous set of relationships was established. You can think of this in personal terms. In this dimension, it is not possible to have the baby until after you have had sex with the father. So the potential for the 2nd was contained in the 1st. The potential for the 3rd was contain within the 2nd. In a similar way, you can see that the existence of the previous form always remains in the one that grows out of it. The third dimension is made up of flat planes. The 2nd dimension is made up of lines and the line is made up of points. In fact, at their very basis, all dimensions are made up of the original points, just as digital picture are made up of pixels. We are indeed the sum total of the Source!

If we follow this discussion to its next conclusion we see that the third dimension contains within it the potential for the next fourth dimension, but does not lose the 1st 2nd or 3rd dimensionality as a result. Now we are talking about ourselves. So lets be plain. We contain within us the potential to be 4th dimensional beings as well as being the ongoing host for 0,1,2 dimensional realities. This isn’t so strange. Just because you are an adult does not mean that your inner child does not live on inside of you for the rest of your life. The acorn lives on in the tree, the seed in the fruit. Likewise, the potential for old age exists in all of us, and all things being equal, we will become that potential old person eventually if we live. You were always the potential adult that you, as a child, had ready to grow up into. All being that live will age. All third dimensional beings will eventually become their potential forth dimensional selves that already exist for them in the forth dimension. All forth-dimensional beings, not just humans. The Earth we currently live on is a third dimensional being. My dog is a third dimensional being. Hereweka is a third dimensional hill. All these will eventually become forth dimensional because that’s the next stop on the journey. All these beings have forth-dimensional potential selves already there. These forth-dimensional potentials are our Higher Selves!

But lets now go back to geometry. We have a one-dimensional line, a two-dimensional plane, say in the shape of a square, and a three dimensional volume, in the shape of a cube made up of six squares. If I was a dot, I could not see the rest of the line because I do not have the belief structuring to allow that. If you like, the laws of my universe don’t permit it. I am not made that way yet. As a two-dimensional square, I could not see a cube, even though I will know that a cube is possible, because I don’t have the beliefs that make it visible to me. I can only see flatness. I live in ‘flatland’ as Abott’s story called it. If a 3D being visited flatland the story goes, all the flatlanders would be able to see would be a flat cross-section of the 3D being. If I stuck my finger into a flat plane, they would see a circular flat cross-section of that part of my finger intersecting their plane. The bit above and the bit below would be invincible to them. The only way flatlanders could see a cube is if it was unraveled for them. An unraveled cube becomes a cross of 6 sides laying flat. They could see that, but they would never be able to witness the volume that is created in the relationship that the six planes create in their own reality. They don’t have that belief as yet. A flat cross of squares does not a cube make! The clever boys and girls of science have used computers to extrapolate what a 4D or hypercube would look like. It would have 8 cubes in its make-up. But we can never truly see the dimension that is created by the relationship between these cubes in their 4D world. However, if we unravel a hypercube, we can get a sense of what it’s made of. This is called a tesseract, and is shaped like a cross with the bar going both ways at right angles to each other. The thing is though, we would only be able to witness it one cube at a time, as the other 7 cubes at any given time would always be in hyperspace (the forth dimension).

This is of course what happens with our own Higher Self. A small portion if it is experienced within us. We may see symbols that represent it, or we may hear it’s voice in our heads, but most of its being is invisible to us. Just like the tesseract though, we know it’s there. It has to be there, because the potential for the next stage of development is always held within the stage we are at or we could never evolve at all. We have evolved through the other dimensions or we wouldn’t be 3D beings now. They still exist within us as we exist for them although they can’t see most of us. Therefore, we are already, and will become, 4D beings as the next stage of our evolution. Our Higher Self exists as a 4D part of us that, at this moment, is potential to us, but is real enough in its own dimension. Now what we also know from all this is that it still has the 3D body that we have now, but an added dimension to it, because the previous dimension is never lost. We also know that it has a 5th dimensional potential Higher Self that it too is evolving into, which has a 6th dimensional Higher Self that it is also evolving in to and so on. Some believe it goes up to 12 dimensions. Maybe it’s infinite. I personally believe there are 9. My reason for this is that to the ancients who knew a lot more about all this than our current scientists actually do, believed that 9 was the number of completion and that’s good enough for me. It feels right. After 9 we start again at 0. The Omega Point comes back into its oneness and maybe it all begins again. Who knows?

So what ever has all this got to do with you and me? It’s so complex and doesn’t seem to help bath the kids or pay the mortgage does it? All this was going on in my head when Pete rang on the cell phone the other day. I was driving and she couldn’t hear what I was saying and so I found myself screaming down the phone, driving and thinking about the forth dimension at the same time. It felt hilarious. But what hit me was that without meaning in our lives, like a backdrop to everything else, life could be very boring. Performing tasks for the sake of performing tasks. Understanding the nature of that which underlies the tasks, the reality that underpins it all, shows us the lessons that help us continue our journey of discovery. To help us become actively involved with our own evolution. The fascinating thing about all of this understanding that I have gained, not just now, but from the outset of my spiritual awakening, is that it has come to me before I have discovered the supporting science. I didn’t get it through studying the intellectual argument. I got it revealed to me directly from my HS. That and most of the stuff I taught in my course that wasn’t Assagioli’s. In fact there isn’t really anyone else that can teach us anything because it is our Higher Self that perceives the new information and clicks to it anyway. If it doesn’t, we’re not ready for it and it wont make any sense to us. If it is not what we need on our own journey to the 4th dimension at any stage in our growth, it just doesn’t stay in our brain. Bits of it might and those are the bits that we are ready for. So this brings me to my next and final point. No other 3D being can help you get to the 4th Dimension because they don’t know how you need to get there. The only part of you that can get you to the forth dimension or anywhere else for that matter, is your own 4th dimensional being, your Higher Self. It is the bridge that you will walk to get there. It knows how and where you need to go to get there because it’s already there and it has already walked the road you are on now. Nobody else can do that. Other 3D beings are in the dark a much as you are. Unless they listen to their own HS pilot, they can’t get there either. But we all will eventually listen to our Higher Selves and end up there because there is nowhere else to go. We travel back to the Omega Point because we are the Omega Point. We are all God.

There is one last piece of irony that struck be like a bolt of lightening the other night. It was so ironic that I just burst into laughter and felt like I had just been shown the meaning of life. Lets start where I did. If a line is the distance between two points, and a square is the area bordered by four lines, and a cube is the volume contained when you place 6 squares together, what’s in the middle? Answer: Nothing! There’s nothing in the middle. It’s all an illusion: Different shaped, more complex illusionary games that God plays with itself in order to learn that it always was in the first place.