
More than a Word

Following on from my previous exploration called Data, what came up for me next was a deeper dive into the issue of relationship.  Based on the concept that everything that exists is a package of information about itself and its place in the world, we see a very different picture of life forming. Rather than the hierarchy of the judeo/christian catagorisation of whether something does or doesn’t have a soul, measured up against their criteria, we have a web of interacting energetic information, all alive conscious and intelligent in their own unique way. Each package of information exists to play a role in the whole of Life, and as such, is essential to the health of the whole at any given moment in time.

This way of viewing things is actually very ancient and existed as the overall world view until the 17th century with the work of Descartes, who split everything up and qualified it. Four centuries’ later we are seeing the fallout from that idea; a trivialisation of everything that is not seen as useful to the human species in its financial catagorisation. What this has led to is a skimming over all information that does not fit in with our world view at any given time, in effect relegating it the rubbish bin.

This has seen the devastating effect on our world flora and fauna, the loss of habitat, the extinction of whole species we have not found a market for. In our process of glossing over whole worlds of information, we have cut ourselves off from knowledge that could have saved us. Only now, in our 11th hour, are we delving into what all kinds of beings might be there, that we blithely ignored until it is nearly too late. The importance of insects, individually and collectively, that pollinate, spread, and clean up all manner of environmental issues for us, is only now becoming clear to us, as they fall extinct in droves.

We can no longer afford the indulgence of the separatist, selectionist, world view. But to change these deep-seated neuronets, we have to give time to the process of connecting with these packets of Life that are all around us. In the world of social media and internet, we have developed a ‘skimming’ relationship with information; hovering over, but never entering far into the possibility of what anything could offer about itself if we take the time to interact more deeply. In fact, our culture has attempted to dumb itself down, becoming critical of those that look outside the square. ‘Don’t rock the boat’ has been an expression thrown about to inhibit the exploration of anyone into anything. Maybe that is as a result of the economic system requiring many drones to run it, but few people scratching beneath the surface to see what else might be possible.

As a result, we don’t even dive into the information system that we individually, personally are. We do not bother to ‘Know Ourselves’ as recommended on the entrance to the ancient temple of Delphi. How then, can we ever allow ourselves to ‘know’ anyone or anything else? But being familiar with the information that we ourselves are, enables us to decern what other energy packages are attractive to us, have something to teach us, or might benefit from, the interaction itself. We have cut ourselves off from all of those possibilities, relying only on sexual attraction to define if a relationship is possible and how long for. We have, in fact, become ‘breeding machines’ whether or not we actually do produce anything from those unions or not.

But there are so many other connections that we are possible of having with all kinds of beings/existences if we are willing to broaden out the parameters of engagement. If we are willing to take the time to read the energetic information that everything, everywhere is offering us. This is what choice is all about. To ‘sit with’, with no expectation of anything, in an openness to what is offered, enhances all parties, just by the experience of ‘being with’. In a space of wanting nothing, but being open to, whatever arrives changes everything. This is relationship. It’s the one that we are having all the time without acknowledging any of them, except the one person we are culturally allowed to have in our lives socially. Relationship cannot exist without connection. And connection cannot happen without time and space to honour the transfer of information that is coming to us from all around, allowing ourselves to be drawn into the information field of others, without needing to own them.

We have choice, but upon what do we base our relationship’s choices if we do not allow ourselves to be informed by what their whole being is telling us, not their social media profile. There is a place for all those beings in our lives that feel good to interact with, and there is a different way of interacting with every one of them, if we are willing to listen.